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Why Online Fee Collection Software Is Must For Educational Institutions?

Vidyalaya in School Fees Management System
26/03/2024 · 4 min read

Automation of educational workflows has changed the typical scenarios at institutes and the affirmative picture is taking the industry to the next level. Online fee management is one change, adopted by the institutes and now they are gaining the benefits of the move. As we all know how tedious the […]

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Why Vidyalaya School App is the best choice for Educational institutes?

Vidyalaya in School Mobile App
18/03/2024 · 4 min read

The new academic year is around the corner and all those hassles of admission campaigns, new enrolments, online fee transactions, and stuff like these are in the pipeline. Every parent ensures that their kids experience a smooth ride with academics and other co-curricular activities inside the campus. As mobile has […]

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How Learning Management Software Reshapes Education?

Vidyalaya in Learning Management Software , Learning Management System
13/03/2024 · 4 min read

Is your educational institute lag the desired outcomes? Also, it fails on the measures of efficiency and productivity. Then there is a need to change the strategies. A good Learning Management System can help you with this. It can provide a simple solution that caters to changing education needs and […]

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Top 10 Advantages Of Implementing Student Information System (SIS)

Vidyalaya in Student Management System
05/03/2024 · 5 min read

What do you imagine when you think of a school? Young vibes, a happening environment, a cheerful crowd, innocence around, and lots of learning, right? Yeah, you are correct up to some extent. But school is more than this. Additionally, if you are on the administration side, then there are […]

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Online Examination System: How To Conduct Online Entrance Exam

Vidyalaya in Online Examination Management System
23/02/2024 · 4 min read

Entrance exams are now settled in India and are the gateways of every higher education course. However, conducting an entrance exam is different from ordinary exam management. As thousands or sometimes millions of applicants are applying for the same exam, qualified verifications of candidates, higher accuracy expectancy, quicker evaluation, and […]

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What is the outcome based education process?

Vidyalaya in Outcome Based Education System
20/02/2024 · 5 min read

Do you know why all students passing with good academic score do not get desired job, whereas sometimes an average student grabs some fascinating job quickly? In most of cases, employers answer this scenario as these fresh bees are not ready for the job market. Despite the impressive academic scores […]

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Advantages of Student Record Management System

Vidyalaya in Student Management System
15/02/2024 · 4 min read

The entire education system revolves around students, a primary stakeholder of the system. Aspects like curriculum, exams, admissions, and infrastructure are designed and modified by keeping the student’s perspective in mind. And now we are living in this data-driven era, student data has become fuel for the education industry. Student […]

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What is Remote Learning? How Do You Implement it in Your Organization

Vidyalaya in Learning Management System
13/02/2024 · 4 min read

Before the invention of technology, who had ever imagined that a student could learn by sitting in one corner of the world and a teacher giving lessons from another corner? With the advancement of technology, geographical borders, time, and age have become insignificant barriers to learning, as it has scaled […]

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A comprehensive guide to Conduct Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA)

Vidyalaya in Academic and Administrative Audit
09/02/2024 · 5 min read

Indian Education sector is regulated by NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council) and the committee implements several initiatives to enhance the educational standards. Any organization in any sector undergoes different types of audits, as the auditing system brings efficiency and discipline in the workflows, apparently improving the business. In the […]

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How ERP Enhances Workflow Management Efficiency in Educational Institutions?

Vidyalaya in school erp
29/01/2024 · 5 min read

We all know that running an educational institute is not a straightforward task. Several processes, people, departments, roles, and resources work together as well as simultaneously to achieve a common goal of the overall success of the institute. But this success is not a one-day thing, rather several factors like […]

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