The Best Examination Management System For Stress-Free Exam Administration!

Examination Management System

School exams, the most fearful and stretching word in academic life! The examination management is equally stretching for school management and staff as it requires a lot of resources and effort to conduct the exams successfully. If your institution is also going through this same situation every year, then take the help of technology and adopt the future-fit way with the examination management system. The product from the ultimate team of experts of Vidyalaya will redefine the way of examination conducting.

Setting question papers is no more a prolonged activity so no need for your teaching staff to spend several days sacrificing their work-life balance. Let the auto-question paper design feature assess the students by going deep into every subject. Also, the evaluation of the answer sheet is a stretching and crucial task, relieve your staff from this task also as our dedicated examination management software will evaluate the answer sheets within less time and able to provide you the rapid result.

Every year, the news of paper leaks or tampering with question papers shatters the education industry. Protect your institute from unfavorable incidences by letting the capable examination management software handle your entire exam management. Enjoy healthy sleep as the system provides high-level security to the entire data and applications.

Make the examination eco-friendly by adopting the digital form of examinations. A one-time investment will help your institute to adopt small steps towards environmental protection. The computerized form helps to achieve less or zero paper usage aim.

During the changed education form, many schools have adopted the option of online examinations to assess their students’ performance. Improve your monotonous form of examinations also by offering a digital option of the examination management system and let your students shine in the bright digital future.

Key Features Of Examination Management Software


Configured All Types Of Grades, Combination & Weightage

The coordinators can add all types of topics, grade criteria setups, indicators setup, rank setups, can even setup termly or semester-wise, and many more features.


Evaluate The Scores With Mark Entries

The teachers can rate the students in the exam management application after marks are preserved, ranks, and results are generated automatically in an exam management system.


Synced With Attendance, Profile, And Fees Module

The exam management system are connected with these modules for getting average attendance data, achievements, and general profile, required details can also be printed in the result sheets


Publish Grades And The Mark-Sheets Online

Once the marks entries are completed and results are generated, the mark entries can be published online, even with customized mark sheets, hence parents don’t need to rush in the schools


Generate Examination Timetable And Hall Tickets

The teachers and coordinators can design, schedule the dates, decide the syllabus, and therefore can send the timetable and hall tickets within the application.


Numerous Reports And Dashboards For Management

The management with their customized login can verify the teachers work as well as the summaries results.


Years Legacy


Satisfied Clients


Client Retention




Professional Trained

Benefits Of Examination Management Software


A seamless examination conduction because exam management software can schedule, examination setup, customized reports fields selection, grade criteria setups, mark entries, publishing results online, and many more.


Cost-effective solutions, as the administration with help of software team can configure the whole exam setup, customize the reports in the Erp which saves papers and man work and as a result, saves costs also.


With an accurate and reliable exam management system, as it decreases the chances of a human error, so results and grading calculations are done automatically and trouble-free.


Automated reminders through which parents can be get notified, which are initially set up by teachers like exam schedule, results, mark-sheets and can also share customized message relevant to assessments.


Powerful analytics with reports for teachers to maintain their assessment data, real-time reports for admin, and creative graphical and summarize dashboards for the management.


Manage every exam features through one platform, online MCQ based or descriptive type exams conduction, grade-books sharing, question banks, and assignments assigning and getting opinions of the students through feedback.

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