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Flipped Classroom: How to implement Flipped Classroom Model?

Vidyalaya in Learning Outcomes
06/12/2023 · 5 min read

The recent pandemic brought 360° changes in our lives and the education sector is not an exception. Educational institutes need to look for innovative teaching methods to accommodate from home concept.

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What is Pedagogy? Benefits of Pedagogy in Teaching & Learning Process

Vidyalaya in Learning Outcomes
04/12/2023 · 4 min read

In our education system, teachers are considered next to God. They are a very crucial resource in shaping the student development process. Teachers spend their lives contributing to this noble profession and mould a child into a responsible citizens.

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Enhance Faculty Management System in your institute with Vidyalaya

Vidyalaya in Faculty Management System
29/11/2023 · 4 min read

Despite the changing nature of education, the need for a good faculty system remains constant. Educational institutes are incomplete without experienced faculties, as they are the first to confront students on a daily basis.

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What Is Microlearning? Importance & Examples of Microlearning

Vidyalaya in Learning Management System , Microlearning
27/11/2023 · 5 min read

Imagine two scenarios: One is a lengthy video explaining a complex topic in a continuous session and in another, the speaker is explaining the same concept in the divided manner of short-duration videos.

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Overview of Curriculum Development: Type, Principles & Process

Vidyalaya in Curriculum Development
21/11/2023 · 4 min read

While deciding on a course as a career, what we see is its curriculum. Right? The components of a good curriculum can fascinate students to enroll and make a shining career in the stream. Offering a thoughtfully designed curriculum is a basic prerequisite of a quality education.

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What is Course Management System? Importance of Course Management for Higher Education

Vidyalaya in Course Management Systems , Learning Management System
16/11/2023 · 4 min read

Have you ever wondered how an educational institute can able to operate multiple disciplines under one roof so seamlessly? This must be a chaotic task, as every discipline has its own set of regulations and practices.

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What Is Competency-Based Education (CBE)? How it will help students?

Vidyalaya in Learning Outcomes
08/11/2023 · 5 min read

A search for better teaching strategies is another constant change that continues in the education sector. Many school runners invest ample time in thinking about improving the learning experience.

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Importance of Time Table Management System in Schools

Vidyalaya in Time Table Management Software
02/11/2023 · 4 min read

At the start of every academic year, what fascinates the students most is the new timetable. It may look like an attraction for the students, but preparing it is no less than a nightmare for the teachers.

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What Is IQAC? Importance and Benefits of IQAC In NAAC

Vidyalaya in NAAC Accreditation
30/10/2023 · 3 min read

We all know that the National Assessment and Accreditation Council aka NAAC was founded with the aim of education quality enhancement. Among the various approaches followed by the council, the formation of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell or IQAC is becoming a hit recipe.

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What Is NAAC Accreditation? Importance Of NAAC Accreditation

Vidyalaya in NAAC Accreditation
27/10/2023 · 4 min read

In the education sector, assessments and accreditation have immense importance. Not only in academics but in administration, both these terms play an important role. Additionally, higher education is setting new benchmarks every day to promote the holistic progress of the current generation.

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