Top 10 Advantages Of Implementing Student Information System (SIS)

by Vidyalaya 5 min read

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What do you imagine when you think of a school? Young vibes, a happening environment, a cheerful crowd, innocence around, and lots of learning, right? Yeah, you are correct up to some extent. But school is more than this. Additionally, if you are on the administration side, then there are a lot of things waiting for you every day! Volatile challenges enforced the education sector to join hands with technology and be ready to cope. When institutes were relying on a traditional administration approach, they needed to face the perceived chaos of administration. One reliable solution for this is the Student Information System, popularly known as SIS. Student, being the core entity of all processes, this product offers a more organized, engaging, and efficient way that benefits both teachers and students at school. Let’s explore how this system can bring revolutionary change to the education sector!

What is a Student Information System?

A Student Information System is a digital platform that was invented to offer educational institutes a seamless and easiest way to manage their students’ data. It stores and tracks student’s personal records, contact information, school history, attendance, grades, and records. Many institutes are now using electronic student records but they are relatively limited in scope, in that they include only grades. Other information may be fragmented across several departments or sections.

Thus, this SIS system serves as a backbone for educational institutes and aids in streamlining administrative workflows. It provides a centralized database system that manages students’ data superiorly and caters to the diverse needs of educational institutes.

What are the Top 10 Advantages of Student Information System Implementation?

Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves.” – Tim Berners-Lee!

This uncovers the fact that for the education sector, student data is going to be fuel and will revolutionize it. Let’s discover the top 10 advantages of Student Information System Software implementation.

1. Seamless Handling of Data:

With all students’ data at one place, it is a complete bliss for educational institutes. When the Student information system software digitalizes the entire track record, registers new students, allocates students, and records student data. The best thing for teachers and admin persons is to observe students’ progress. It consolidates entire data into a centralized database and ensures accurate information is readily accessible to authorized users without any friction. The software also empowers institutes to easily manage parent data and improve the communication for student progress.

2. Centralized Database:

Student data management includes several data points such as personal records, enrolment records, academics, and others. With all this information at a single point, an SIS system provides a centralized data hub for data storage and management. This also facilitates administrative tasks and makes it easy to locate, update, and fetch records. A robust SIS system can safeguard the information through various measures like access privileges, encryption, user authentication protocols, etc. ensuring complete data security.

3. Improved Enrolment Process:

Enrolment is one of the core academic processes from which the academic journey of a student starts. This can become crucial for students and a stressor for institutes if they cannot adopt the right resources for it. A SIS system can serve as a centralized hub for the enrollment process. With the right product, institutes can offer a standardized admission process, as it can automate the underlying processes like inquiry, enrolment, and other similar tasks. It also enables admission panels to extract relevant information and can help in further strategies. 

4. More Student Retention:

Student engagement has become immensely important as engaged students are likely to be active in their academic journey and yield improved learning outcomes. A reliable Student Information System Software facilitates the student’s easy accessibility to their academic records through dynamic dashboards. They can access their information and course information, and check their progress, all in real-time. This way they can have a feeling of ownership and can think of serious academic moves. Also, with in-built tools for online collaboration and data sharing, students can collaborate for group discussions, and projects, and have a better engagement ratio.  

5. Effective Communication with Parents:

Parents have become active stakeholders nowadays and are no longer limited to paying fees. Teachers are more willing to collaborate with parents for students’ success. When a Student Information system software is integrated with other software like a Learning Management System, teachers can easily arrange teacher-parent meetings and can share valuable information like timetables, grades, assignments, and exam time slots. Also, the software can send automated reminders to parents so that they remember the schedule. In this way, the software paves the way for effective and seamless communication between the school and parents. 

6. Better Inter-departmental Relations:

A good Student information system refines inter-departmental relationships and eliminates the cumbersome problems in decision-making. It also nurtures better cooperation with streamlined communication through a centralized data-sharing platform. Also, the enhanced collaboration between departments through digital data sharing leads to efficient and faster decision-making. 

7. Tracking of Student Workload:

Now, with the SIS system, teachers can track the entire workload of a student to make sure that they are not overwhelmed. In some cases, they can extend their hands to students who are struggling and can manage their progress. Teachers can help them out by providing a planner or calendar to schedule their time according to assignments or homework. This way, teachers can experience enhanced efficiency with real-time data analytics.

8. Simplified Grading Process:

The conventional grading process comes with several flaws like work overload, inaccuracy, wastage of resources, and others. An exceptional Student Information system software allows educators to configure grading scales, evaluation criteria, and subject/question weightage. When teachers evaluate the assignments/assessments, scores and grades are calculated automatically. This reduces the manual intervention and leads to better accuracy. Also, it simplifies the report card generation process and can easily be distributed to numerous students. 

9. Easy Accessibility:

As we are living in the digital era, we expect that desired information must be present anytime, anywhere. A reliable Student Information system provides this 24/7 accessibility through a secure platform. All stakeholders like parents, teachers, students, and school admins can access the student information from their home computers, mobiles, laptops, and tablets. They can see attendance records, check grades, and other important updates. Also, this system can be integrated with other software for extended functionalities. 

10. Transparency and Accountability:

As every stakeholder of the SIS system gets access to well-managed student data, it becomes easy to keep everyone accountable and ready for tasks. Students become more accountable for their academic journey through in-built dashboards, whereas parents are also well-informed about the minute details of the academic and overall development of their child. 

Closing Thoughts!

The entire education industry revolves around students and their information. Before the invention of the Student Information System, this information was unorganized and failed to fit for future use. Now, with the advancement of time, the importance of data is at its peak. So, a lot can change over student data. To get the leverage, educational institutes must look for a sustainable SIS system to get seamless student information management and processing.

We, at Vidyalaya, provide complete Student Information System Software and other eLearning products to cater to the diverse needs of today’s education system. Our progressive approach helps institutes strengthen their digitizing education mission and impart smart learning experiences.  All our products can meet your generic and specific needs and can help you achieve visionary goals. For more information, contact us!

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Let's Read

Why Should You Choose Vidyalaya School ERP?

Vidyalaya is a centralized platform with all the necessary tools for measuring, accessing, connecting, and coordinating learning processes. Vidyalaya is capable of handling every aspect of operating a school or college, including managing daily operational duties and fostering communication.

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