School Management Software

Why Vidyalaya School Software is the best School Management Software in India?

Written by Vidyalaya · 7 min read >

The Education sector especially after the pandemic is loaded with a variety of options for school management software, school ERPs, LMS, and others that will ease the entire learning and administration process. Schools who are yet to join the queue may get confused about hearing the lots of options and may take a while to come to a final decision. Although several inventions from young blood are making a buzz in the Indian education market, Indian education institutes require a product that deeply understands the entire education system. Vidyalaya, the name itself represents the Indian schools with extensive experience of over 20+ years has a legendary impression not only in India but across the world due to its top-notch product range. 

Not only our experience talks, but our school software products extend our legacy ahead. As the school has mainly four stakeholders, our software improves the user experience of each type of these users. Wondered how? Let us explain:

  • Teachers can concentrate on the core teaching process due to the automation of several non-teaching processes.
  • Students will get advantages like virtual learning, online exams, easy availability of study material, and others.
  • Parents will have more involvement in the learning process and will get several real-time updates and a sneak peek into their kid’s academic life.
  • School administration will experience less burden as several operational processes are converted to automation and will get faster access to flawless data along with easy reporting.

Let us explain why Vidyalaya school software is the best choice if you are looking for the best school management software in India:

Fuss-Free Admissions

Convert the annual picture of the admission period from campus where students are standing in long queues with different documents in their hands to paperless and hassle-free online admissions. This is possible with our school management system’s admission management module. Starting from the pre-inquiry process to confirming admissions, everything is managed within a few clicks from end to end. Our software improves process efficiency and relaxes the management staff with automated tasks. This can also help parents to seek admission by sitting at the home and completing all the formalities. School administrative panel will get real-time insights into the admission process at any point in time.

Reliable Online Fee Payment

If you are still hesitating about the online fee payment due to reliability issues and relying on the traditional DDs or cheque systems, then it’s time to change! Vidyalaya integrates a reliable payment gateway that will smoothen your payment transactions without fail. Along with the utmost reliability, parents will get fee reminders, due date reminders, or any updates in the fee management process. Administrative staff will get all financial history based on various filters like class-wise, year-wise, or pending fees. Also, multi-account management is easily possible with our school management software so that your clerical staff doesn’t have the overhead for managing different bank accounts and fulfilling everyday cash transactions. 

Streamlined Academic Management

Academic management deals with all academic aspects as classroom management, timetable management, assignment scheduling, assessment, and several other things. All these tasks require massive human resources that get engaged in redundant tasks. Vidyalaya recognizes the need to bring efficiency to these processes and accomplishes it with process automation. Our school software creates timetables without clashing, and assignment management and assessment in an extremely easy and convenient way. Arrange live classes, study material sharing, and school calendars, and even share lesson planning without any hassle. 

Exam management is an inevitable part of every educational institute. Remove the hassles in exam management by adopting Vidyalaya’s software. Make the scheduling easy, send notifications to parents and students, and declare results online in auto-generated formats. Access various data reports class-wise, subject-wise, and teacher-wise within a few clicks.

Efficient Data Management

Data has gained peak importance in today’s data-driven world. School Software in India still lags behind the efficient tool for data management and they rely on traditional offline methods. But this is full of flaws, so Vidyalaya manages the entire data efficiently. Cloud integration, also makes it possible to access the data faster and with proper access privileges. Stakeholders’ information when properly maintained, can give a firm ground for making fruitful decisions. Centralized storage of data will help administrators to access the data from anywhere and is also beneficial for multi-branch schools. 

Manage everything through Mobile App

Now, everyone has shifted from the web to mobile platforms. Our technology-based app will help all stakeholders to access the data and accomplish the functionalities without bearing location or time barriers. Never miss an update with our push notification feature. Get all the functionalities and handle them with your fingertips, be it attendance, result, fee, or homework. 

Other Useful Integrations

Every software needs third-party integrations to enrich it with some exceptional features. Vidyalaya’s school management system is not an exception. Our system also integrates with different exterior systems seamlessly. Look at the successful integrations:


Eliminate the flaws of the conventional attendance system with biometric attendance and send instant notification to parents as soon as the kid marks the attendance. Save the time and effort to punch the daily attendance and maintain the heavy registers with this approach.

GPS Tracking

Track the school transport with GPS technology to get real-time updates about the locations. Send parents the updates and let them track the location of the bus with our GPS-based bus tracking system integration with school management software. Avail of other supplementary benefits like fuel saving, staff maintenance, and instant accidental help with our software.


Vidyalaya seamlessly integrates barcode integration, especially for library management. Improve the speed, and accuracy without significant expense with our integration. 

WhatsApp Integration

Ditch the conventional communication channels and adjust your pace with new-age students. Select WhatsApp as a communication channel and make the communication interactive and fruitful.

One will get several articles for choosing the school management system, but Vidyalaya presents you with a tailor-made product for your educational institute. The extensive research and experience in the Indian education sector help us to understand current and future requirements. So, with the aim of digitalizing education, Vidyalaya extensively supports Indian educational institutes in their revolutionary digitalization journey with its School Software product. 

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