Usually, after higher education or after 12th we all encounter with many careers oriented questions and one common question among them is “Which course should I go with?” and to get the answer we do analysis, take an aptitude test, some of us listen to that true voice of our heart and finally, we had decided that in which sector we will make our career.
As I said that’s usually used to happen but today our LITERATE SOCIETY don’t ask which course you want to pursue, they tell you which course you should pursue.
Let me rephrase it nowadays we here “Child go in this field it has better scope in future” and we decide our fate on that sentence. So basically we decided our career on what I will get after education rather than why should I get the education. With that mentality we are not getting educated we are just getting trained to earn some bucks in future because today society will not consider you educated, literate if you are not getting huge remuneration.
The real issue is that most of us have no idea of what education really means. The meaning of education is still incoherent to us. People think education leads us to the better life and we all agree on that but the majority of the SO CALLED LITERATE society defined better life in one word only that is “wealth”. We evaluate the value of education in the same way we evaluate the value of the stock-exchange market.
Presently very few are there whose primary concern to get the education is to do advancement in their knowledge rest just want the education in order to make sure they can earn huge paychecks. Although everyone wants payback of the efforts or dedication on their education, should this be our sole purpose on why we should get educated?
“By education I mean all-around development, drawing out of the best in the child-man body, mind, and spirit.”
Above quote is not mine, it’s given by FATHER OF INDIA, Mahatma Gandhi who we all admire not for the education he had but for the character he had we respect him because of the personality he acquired. For Gandhiji education was a means to achieve individuality on the other hand to serve a nation. For him, both individual and social aims had same equity.
For Bapu education was something that never ends, he believed that no matter how much knowledge you acquired or how wealthy you are unless and until you have an all- round development you are still a learner. And today Vidyalaya School management software conveys sincere gratitude to Mahatma Gandhi. And appeal to society to make young-lings believe that education is not just a tool to make your life luxurious it’s about learning new things that will shape your personality. It’s about all-around development.