It’s almost six years, I completed my schooling and if there is anything I hate about it is carrying or should I say dragging my loaded school bag on my shoulder. Carrying school bag is one of the things students don’t like, but they can’t do anything specifically to get rid of it. Schools and the government had debated a lot on this but none of the implementation we observed.
But recently on 28th October 2016 Delhi government released the guidelines to schools for reducing a weight of bags. The government is starting arrangements to reduce the heaviness of school bags, the government requested schools to outline a period table, so that young lings don’t need to carry numerous books each day. Earlier CBSE also asked schools to consider approaches to lesser the weight of sacks conveyed by students.
Carrying books of more than five subject along with the respective notebook of each subject plus school dairy and lunchbox, make it tough for students and it’s worst when need to bear that load after school, and we as a School Management Software organization, applauds the government for this initiative to minimize this issue. One of the tool to achieve this goal is to digitalize most of the school activity, like circular, assignment work according to the standard of classes, this whole process can carry out effectively with mobile portal integration. Digitalization can be achieved with the help of mobile application provided by school software, as it will bridge the communication between students and teachers.