As you all have experienced the previous modules of Vidyalaya School App now we have released a new version of School App with enhanced features. With the latest version, you can easily access the information. The user can instantly send the details to Students/Parents or Employees. Most of the tasks can be completed with a single click.
You can also refer the previous Blog to get a better view of existing features of school app,
So let’s discuss the unique features that are added in School App with the mentioned keynotes.
Create Circular, Create Gallery, Create Behaviour, Assign task: This feature helps teacher or employees to update any latest circulars to the Organization, any occasional photos captured in school can be uploaded directly from school app. Teachers or Employee can also assign the task to both.
Payslip: Here we have another option of having access to Pay-slips at our fingertips. Pay-slips can be delivered straight to your smartphone – accessible wherever and whenever you want. Employees can download every month’s pay-slip as well. This includes the Earning details & Deduction detail with overall total calculation. Employees can now access their personal details, view current and historical pay-slips.
Useful Info: This feature can help by giving important information of Organization to the parents & staff.
Useful link: Here we have another option for providing the links of useful information for students from this module. With the help of this module; the user can give various links which can help the students in Academics or any other field.
My Staff: In this feature, the details of all the relevant teachers added in organization reflect with assigned subjects.
Payment: This is the most useful & easy way to do the Online Payments of fees directly from School App. Parents or Student can do the payments without waiting in long queues at their convenience.
Video: Now here, we provide you integration with school’s Youtube channel that is redirected to our Vidyalaya School app. So users can view the uploaded videos and enjoy their School functions videos as well as the various performances.
My Leave: With the help of this feature, School staff can apply for leave & wait for approval from their Manager. Within few minutes one can check their available leaves & apply their leaves within one single click.
Leave Listing: This feature indicates to the Managers for approving or rejecting the leave requests applied by the staff. Managers can also filter the approved list, pending list details within time frames.
MIS: MIS is related to the current dates total amount collection receipts. In other words, we can say that the Head of the departments can check the status of the total collection of fees collected on that particular day.
- Subjectwise Attendance: As Attendance Module already existed in Vidyalaya School app, so now we have this subjectwise attendance with which user can also fill attendance subject wise.
Lost Found: Return lost items to their rightful owners with this lost & found module. Users can submit the lost items, & can also make a list of all items that are lost & found.
My Class: As this features suggest the name, my Class, so Students or Parents can see their child’s classmates, the total student list will display on the dashboard.
Birthdays: Here students can check their classmates’ birthday lists as well as their relevant teachers. Students can see their classmates birthday date & can wish them.
There are many more new features that will be added to our School app. Valuable Suggestions from our customers are most welcome. With the help of Vidyalaya School app, we can remove the communication gap between the Parents, Teachers & Staff.