Functionality of 5 Modules of School Management Software

by Vidyalaya 4 min read

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Hi all, so Diwali is gone and so our vacation time. Everybody is back to daily routine, students back to schools and I am back to my desk. So first thing we had was analysis meeting regarding the survey our marketing team performed before Diwali in different schools regarding the school Management software and the modules or integration they are using, so as result we came to know that many campuses using software regularly but there are only few that utilize all the modules they have purchased, and after talking to different school ERP operators and principals regarding this, we came to the conclusion that most of the schools don’t know that which modules are essential for their use.

So today I am going to write about the functionality of top 5 modules every school should use to became an effective and paperless organization OR in order achieve whatever goal they had in mind while investing in school Management software. This will help you to know 3 things i.e. what your School ERP software provider is providing you, what they should provide you and how much your school is utilizing it.

1. Student module

As the name suggest student module helps educational institutes to manage all the data regarding students at one place and with it include all details about his/her admission, general, demographic, communication, family, health, documents and all images from the period he enrolled in school till he passes out.

In addition, admission is also covered in student module which assigns institute power to handle all admission inquiry whether it is offline or online, institutes can also define their own criteria for admission and software helps to sort out numerous application based on merit with just a single click.

Attendance can of classes are also managed effectively with quick present entry functionality of student management system, and auto alert can be sent to parents of absentees. All type of educational certificates like bonafide, leaving, character etc can be generated from software in no time.

2. Finance module

In finance module, educational institutes can manage all activities regarding fees, deposits, scholarship, accounts or any other financial transaction that are performed. School can assign fees to students and generate fee receipt according to it, colleges can manage deposit made by students and adjust it while maintaining records virtually on School fee management software.

Accounts can be managed from this module just like tally accounting software. Moreover, account mapping and fee posting facility are provided in the module which creates voucher entry automatically with one click, however, this facility is given by only a few school ERP solution providers so make sure while choosing software for your campus.

3. Assessment module

This module is most important relative to other modules we discussed as it manages the examination activities carried out in campuses and generate mark sheets for the same. Although different states have their own state board format and pattern to conduct exams and generate mark sheet, report card according to it. So this can vary from state to state but for schools and colleges afflicted to any national or international educational board such as CBSE, ICSE etc., can get immense benefits from this, as there are Co-scholastic and CCE reports can be generated from the campus ERP software. Marksheet and progress report analysis can also be done, in order to evaluate the performance of students.

In addition, E-exam can also be arranged with this assessment module, so make sure that your school Management software’s assessment module perform all these functions perfectly if not will advice to look out for other options.

4. Resourse module

Resource module is responsible for managing the stock inventory, asset management of institutes and it can be anything from stationary containing chalk, the marker to lab instruments of campus. Apart from that library is also managed by maintaining the records of each and every book in the library from it’s condition to the student it is issued. Although many school software provider doesn’t have canteen management facility, but this can be plus factor for your campus, so consider that too.

Hostel and transport facility of schools are also managed with help of resource module, it gives you access to handle the vehicle maintenance to hostel room maintenance record. The route can be assigned easily to students and the transportation process can be carried out easily same way hostel rooms assigning process is also ease up with the help of resource module.

5. HR module

HR module is specifically designed to maintain the records of the employees of the school and this includes all from principal, teachers, clerk to peon. In this module, the general information records are managed just like student records. Attendance is also managed and recorded of the employees and leave adjustment can also be carried out from here only.

In addition payroll can also be managed by individual employees from here including all kind of deduction and earnings apart from that PF setup can also be done from the HR module which makes it a one stop solution.

Moreover, this module are more helpful if your campus software have some integrations integrated with your campus management software indeed school can generate reports on the information they migrate in above modules as per their filtration and need with the help of “Custom Search Facility” given in each module, so look for this specific tool also in all modules.

We Provide

Integrated School Management Software

Vidyalaya software is a customized school management software that offers end-to-end solutions for every phase of school management like admissions, academic management, staff management, attendance. It is a one-stop solution platform that integrates various features like biometric, SMS, online portal, e-exam, mobile app, etc. Let our high-end product empower your educational institute in delivering new ways of education by taking care of administrative tasks!

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School App, Parent App & Management App

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Vidyalaya school management system has grabbed the best school ERP software award, Best digital transformation award, Best innovative school erp award, Education Excellence Award for consecutive 3 years 2017-2019 by various well recognized associations.



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School App, Parent App & Management App

Our school management Software is applauded in the market by leading experts. Our customers from worldwide, bank on us showing 96% client retention! The market experts like Gartner Peer Insights, Cepterra, Goodfirms, G2 Crow, Software Suggest, Technologycounter, have given us the highest ratings for the extraordinary features!

Let's Read

Why Should You Choose Vidyalaya School ERP?

Vidyalaya is a centralized platform with all the necessary tools for measuring, accessing, connecting, and coordinating learning processes. Vidyalaya is capable of handling every aspect of operating a school or college, including managing daily operational duties and fostering communication.

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Why Institutes Love Vidyalaya School ERP System?

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