Biometric system has become widespread use in so many sectors such as industrial, IT, Chemical, Education, etc. Biometric systems are usually used to collect biometric information on student attendance data. Biometric systems are quickly becoming so much useful in the school for collecting student attendance data because the previous attendance system has so many inaccuracies and mistakes. Previously attendance was tracked through Roll no calling or punching a card. But these methods have limitations. Day by day, biometric student attendance management systems in school are increasing because biometric student attendance management systems are faster, smoother, and more accurate.
Previously used student attendance methods like paper-based or ID card-based attendance systems are now old and not effective. These methods lead to unnecessary time spent by teachers, professors, and management to track student attendance. Sometimes manual supervision of a large number of students is difficult. That’s why these student attendance tracking methods have so many issues and loopholes which cannot be stopped by these traditional methods. In this kind of scenario biometric systems come as a solution for this kind of problem. Sometimes these loopholes have a direct effect on the image of the school and the quality of education.
Biometric school attendance management looks like futuristic technologies for premium schools but biometric systems are very useful and cost-effective solutions for all school authorities and management. Biometric student attendance management protects students from hackers because it uses sophisticated encryption to make safe student Privacy.
The use of biometrics student attendance management is globally in different schools, universities and even tuition classes are now using this biometric attendance management system.
Benefits of the biometric attendance management system
There are so many benefits of biometric attendance management systems. A biometric attendance management system provides an easy way to track student attendance by in and out times. In biometric attendance management systems does not require so much technical knowledge to access this device so students can easily use the device with minimal practice and can do in and out through this device by placing their finger on the device. The biometric device provides a very fast process to track attendance data of students with accuracy and without any loopholes.
Using a biometric attendance management system has other additional benefits
Accurate real-time tracking
Biometric attendance management system track the student’s movements in the school. Even non-educational staff attendance tracking on a real-time based. Know when administrative staff and teachers are entering and exiting from the school in real-time. Because biometric attendance management software tracks the canteen, stores, and class check-in and check-out in a matter of seconds. There is no leg time so management can see where that particular student or staff at that time.
No proxy attendance
Students’ attendance can be faked or changed by school monitors, other students, teachers, and administrative staff. This all can attempt to do sign-in on their behalf for other students in attendance register by pencil or pen. But this is impossible in a biometric attendance management system. Because biometric attendance management read the unique identity of the human body and that is unique in every human body. In the scenario of Indian schools and universities, fake attendance is a very big problem and we can solve this problem through a biometric attendance management system.
Convenient for attendance
A biometric attendance management system provides a convenient way to track student attendance by in and out times. In biometric attendance management systems does not require so much technical knowledge to access this device so students can easily use the device with minimal practice and can do in and out through this device by placing their finger on the device. Students can check-in and out easily and quickly.
Biometric Student attendance management tracks the attendance in real-time and cuts down the time to track student attendance. Biometric Student attendance management can track attendance of students in seconds which reduces so much time for teachers and other staff to find attendance data error from the register method.
Payroll process
In this whole world, no employee likes to be underpaid because of attendance data error and this is the same for teachers in a school. Payroll very important function for every employee and finance team of the school. If the school is integrated with biometric attendance system payroll generate automatically without any error. This is because the biometric device is reliable and tracking student attendance and teacher attendance. In a biometric device, you can adjust the half-day, full-day, Day – off, exam day, etc. So, the biometric school attendance management software makes automate the entire payroll process.
In this digitalized era and technological improvement in the school need to have a proper system and working efficient way like biometric school attendance management system. Biometric Student attendance management track the attendance in real-time and cuts down the time to track student attendance. In Vidyalaya school management a biometric software integration is possible and for more information about this software, please visit our contact us page.