Prevention from “WannaCry Ransomware”

Prevention from “WannaCry Ransomware”

alert...! from wannacry ransomware

Educational institutes data are the one needs more security. Here are some preventions to protect your data from WannaCry Ransomware.

What is WannaCry ransomware?

There are various types of malware that affect your computer, from those that steal your information & those that just delete everything on the particular device. Ransomware, as the name, prevents users to access their devices and data till a certain ransom is paid to its creator. Ransomware locks computers encrypt the data on it and prohibit software and apps from running.
WannaCry is ransomware, a growing category of powerful accused malware. Once it is activated on a machine, it encrypts the files on that machine so they are inaccessible. Then it directs the owner to pay a ransom in Bitcoin in exchange for liberating the files.

Reference: Symantec

Who was behind the attack and What was their motivation?

It is not known yet. Though, it is generally accepted that the hackers used the ‘Eternal Blue Hacking Weapon’ establish by America’s National Security Agency (NSA) to access to Microsoft Windows computers used by terrorist outfits and enemy states.
Since over a thousand computers in the Russian Interior Ministry, as well as computers in China, were hit, some of the state or quasi-state actors suspected of carrying out large-scale break-ins of computer systems in the United States will, on this demand, start as not being Instant suspects. Interestingly, the NSA tool was stolen in April by a group called Shadow Broker, who seemed unhappy with US President Donald Trump, whom they said they had voted for.

Pradipto Chakrabarty, Regional Director, CompTIA India, said that the linking of Aadhaar to bank accounts, income tax, and other sensitive information increases the “threat”. “Since the user’s bank account is linked with his Aadhaar number, the ransomware can possibly lock down the account and make it unusable unless a ransom is paid,” Chakrabarty said.

Amit Nath, Head of Asia Pacific, Corporate Business, at F-Secure Corporation, said the realization of the WannaCry ransomware attack could give hostile nation states bounds to create cyber weapons where there’s no hope of recovering the data. “That’s the worst-case scenario,” Amit Nath said.
It also drops a file named!Please Read Me!.txt which have the text explaining what has happened and how to pay the ransom.

Reference: Symantec

Indicators of compromise:

Ransomware is writing itself into a random character folder in the ‘ProgramData’ folder with the file name of “tasksche.exe” or in ‘C:\Windows\’ folder with the filename “mssecsvc.exe” and “tasksche.exe”.
Ransomware is granting full access to all files by using the command:
Icacls . /grant Everyone: F /T /C /Q
Using a batch script for operations:

Reference: Cyber Swachhta Kendra

Best practices to prevent ransomware attacks:

Reference: Cyber swachhta Kendra
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