School Management Software, vidyalaya

Diverted Minds?? Learn how to keep them engaged in Online Virtual Classroom

Written by Vidyalaya · 7 min read >

As the COVID-19 pandemic is not showing any signs of slowing down in the country, mostly employees of the companies are working from home and studentsare studying from home therefore virtual classroom has become a new norm, study materials are being shared and board exams are being postponed. In this stage, schools are conducting online classes to keep the students interested in their studies and, Let’s see how to keep students engaged in the online Virtual Classroom

    • Advance Preparation :

As the normal classroom, a teacher shall prepare and plan, they need to keep the list of the resources ready like materials, stationary, assignments, videos, and reference books. Ppt’s with highlighting the title’s and editing it. This will help the teachers to save the time use it more for interacting with the students

    • Communicate with multiple formats :

Human being don’t like to do same things every day, so with students to you can conduct the sessions through different formats like live interaction, share the video lectures, share the assignments in form of puzzles, chatrooms or instant messaging, group discussions and

Screencast videos which tend to be well received by students.

    • Train the teachers for the online virtual classroom :

For beginners this virtual interaction isn’t an as easy task, many teachers are expert’s in their subjects but one just can’t allot an inexperience instructor they should be trained properly of, they should help how to hold the cameras, boosting their confidence, ask them to update students to interact with their classmates, prepare the syllabus to be studied in advance.

    • Questions and Answer sessions :

In a week keep one day for questioning and group discussion ask them questions and, instead of just explaining teachers can ask the questions regularly and which are relatable and this can help the student engagement in the online virtual classrooms. Teachers can also keep the counts of several questions asks each student; this can help teachers to improve the student engagement activity.

    • Revision :

As in the traditional classroom, revision is a norm, teachers can revise the previous lectures by asking them questions, examples, assignments and thereby refresh their memories and this can nullify the communication gaps and along with keeping their minds fresh.

I hope this blog helps you to keep your diverted young minds engaged. Keep reading for more ideas. Part 2 coming soon.

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