Diverted Minds?? Learn how to keep them engaged in Online Classroom (Part-2)

by Vidyalaya 4 min read

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diverted minds_ learn how to keep them engaged in online classroom

I hope you enjoyed reading our previous blog & it helped you in keeping your students more engaged. Here are few more tips to keep your children engaged more in Online Virtual Classroom

    • Engage your student with conducting shorter sessions :

The online virtual classroom might be an hour per lecture but one can break it onto
Minutes, teachers can summarize it with important points, can take minutes of Q/A sessions, allowing students to concentrate on the studied topics and the allow them to take small breaks

    • Always be a storyteller :

This might sound bit boring but it is very helpful in terms of imagination, every topic till it is not related with examples, or storytelling can’t keep students fully interested, yes more often than not students like to think practically, real-life imagination also helps students clear their concept’s effortless, interact with students the case study, assign students the stories and don’t afraid to use the videos.

    • Encourage students with rewards :

There are many ways to encourage students and give them their recognition, add gamification to the online learning course contents it can be in the mode of debate, group discussions and basic games, reward the students with badges which can encourage them to be pro-actively engaged in the online virtual classroom and can motivate the other students to be more interactive during the sessions.

    • Help students to be interactive between them :

Online learning courses can help students to gain more knowledge and be active however teachers can create WhatsApp and Facebook groups to share the reference links, resources with the students, they can reach out and chat with each other and clear their basic queries, this can also help students create a great bond, between all the students, generally in the school’s students play or studied along with their group only so social media engagement can be pretty much helpful

    • Regularly modifies online course content :

The online course contents which include the timetables, syllabus and study materials are great for the children but other than normal subjects teachers can update their contents with politics and religions, emerging topics and current affair relatable topics, trending topics, researchers including development, including articles, conference sessions clips, and podcasts

    • Motivate and nurture the students :

Intrinsic motivation always drive and motivates a person, students can also be motivated like one can remind they’re of their knowledge, give the examples of the ordinary man who has gone one to become an expert and developed industries, company, how it impacts on us and how much he has given to the society, Extrinsic motivation can also be like rewards like certificates, badges, prizes and thereby motivating the students to be more engaged in online virtual classroom.

    • Provide and get feedbacks :

Feedbacks are always useful, be it a firm, schools, or students, feedbacks provided to the students of their overall performance can help them immensely in their journey in virtual classrooms. The quick response of their answers, assignments and, assessing them with their current assessments firstly clear their current assessments and then give a feedback of their next, same way teachers can also get the valuable inputs from the students these can help teachers to upgrade to the next level, improve their content, and way of assigning lectures and homework.

    • Self-dependent and assessments opportunities :

Provide them the opportunities of self-development, help them built their confidence, nurture them, give them your invaluable inputs, help them to be delf-dependent. Finding their discussions, posts, tests can help them nullify their mistakes and be self-dependent not just in studies and their day to day life` identify their preferences for multiple assessment opportunities

    • Always check in’s and out’s :

In online learning course, its unusual then traditional classroom to teachers should regularly check in’s and out timings and video gallery screens to check students engagement and always prepare in advance like teachers can set rules of it and punish them for student’s irregularities and non-engagement activities

    • Conduct polls and quiz :

Nowaday’s as video conferencing has become a mandate, as many online conferencing platforms take polls as the part of extracurricular activities, one can share a link and create polls, it can be played as the fun games or can be knowledge quiz or it can be a discussion with forming some groups like a house or the clubs.

    • Use the whiteboard and chatbox :

Whiteboard is the main equipment for teachers which is used in the traditional classroom, it is also available in video conferencing applications like zoom, teachers can highlight the main keywords in whiteboards, it can help student students to identify their mistakes in texts and words, with a chatbox, they can ask the students personally and clear the doubts so a student might hesitate to ask in the live meetings so chatting can be useful.

    • Students are learners :

Always remember each student is not similar each has got their ideas and experiences, treat each student identically, you have got their world on your fingertips, discuss the resources, assignments and their weekend ideas and plans, because the students are not physically available, develop a strong bond and relationship, for the students which are unable to relate call them personally via video call or voice calls, ask them their feedback and resolve their queries

    • Students as the host :

This can be known as the flipped theory, usually, coaches accompany the online classes but for a change, teachers can ask students to take the initiative of taking the revision lecture or the free lecture this can boost their confidence immensely, other students can ask questions without any hesitation and interact with their classmates.

    • Flexibility :

As we know in today’s world extra activities are important so, let them use their existing talents as the assignment because not everyone likes to write essays or a book, so teachers can be flexible in students’ activities and students will surprise them with their talents.

Hope this blog helps you to keep your diverted young minds engaged.

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