Tag: Blended Learning

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Asynchronous Learning: Exploring Benefits and Examples in Education Institution

Vidyalaya in Library Management System
28/09/2023 · 5 min read

Online learning has become a norm, especially after a pandemic. When you refer to online learning, two terms synchronous and asynchronous learning automatically get referred to as well. Even though they also describe physical learning settings, they are prominently referred to in the eLearning method.

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What Is Hybrid Learning? A Brief Guide

Vidyalaya in Blended Learning , Hybrid Learning
22/08/2023 · 4 min read

What do you imagine a picture of school? Buildings, classrooms, students sitting on the benches, teachers explaining with books and blackboards, right? But Covid’s dead wave transformed this picture! Now, we were watching students sitting in front of screens and teachers explaining, using smart boards.

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What is Blended Learning? The Definitive Guide

Vidyalaya in Blended Learning
08/06/2023 · 5 min read

Imagine a scenario of learning a complex topic, let’s say the germination process of EVS. In a traditional learning method, the teacher would have explained this topic by explaining the process step-by-step and drawing the phases of the process.

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