Top 5 Good Reasons to Grow Your Business School Student Portal

by Vidyalaya 4 min read

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school student portal

The nature of education is evolving with the advancement of time. Traditional chalk and talk method have become outdated and virtual learning, online exams have replaced their traditional alternatives with ease. The high-end learning experience will now define your institute’s academic excellence. Having a dedicated school student portal has become one of the essential things nowadays. Vidyalaya, a renowned name in the educational software provider industry offers new-age features with its student portal. If you still lack to know about the new way of business, go through this article.

What is a student portal?

A student portal is a common platform where students and parents can do their academic and non-academic activities like:

  • Register him/herself on a page to get access to the institute’s programs and learning-related material.
  • Check the updates about events, activities, exam schedules, and other things.
  • Check out the multiple payment options and pay fees.
  • Check their attendance, assignment status, grades.

These activities are the core parts of any educational institute, so a feature-filled student portal will help the institute administration to have efficiency in the process accomplishment. Portals that are crafted by understanding the web content technology will bring your brand forward and a more agile approach. Vidyalaya’s high-end product of the school student portal will help you to leave a remarkable impression.

Here are the top 5 good reasons that will illustrate how institutes can grow their business with the help of the student parent portal:

1. Remove the Information Silos:

Removing the huge information silos is the biggest advantage that one can achieve if shifted from manual to the online student portal.

The intelligently crafted student portal will host diverse information about:

  • Streams, courses offered
  • Study material
  • Facilities provided by the school
  • Student management system
  • Different notifications about school events

A lot of resources are required to manage and streamline these core activities. The single student portal serves the purpose and will play a key role in pulling information and sharing it with students. It will also save the cost of printing the material and the material will have a wide reach than the manual method.

2. Offer what students deserve:

Students may require diverse information during their academic life. They may need the schedule for their upcoming exams or class tests, they may require to check their performance during the class tests or semester exams. Declaring results on notice boards have become an old-school concept with the invention of student portals.

Vidyalaya will preserve privacy by offering secured information sharing that is accessible by authorized students only. The student portal will help the students to keep track of their daily activities and make the preparation accordingly. Even if they miss the classes, they can get to know that what is scheduled for their classes in the upcoming days. This will eliminate the dependency on their classmates or teachers for missed information.

3. Much more than a legacy portal:

Portal may carry a negative impression initially as many people think that they are not more than promotion or link holders. This myth can be broken down with Vidyalaya’s advanced school parent portal. The single sign-in feature will open the doors for a content-driven experience within a single platform.

Personalization is the key to grabbing more attention today. The portal offered by Vidyalaya is enriched with modern techniques that will help the students to design their own dashboards with a personalized touch. The single platform will where one can find diverse information from school fee payment to class schedule, and from event information to assignment grades. Many portals have direct access to a student information system or LMS so that students can submit their activities or make payments through a single platform.

Parents keep a tab on their wards’ activities through this platform and do the other necessary activities like fee payment, check grades, attendance.

4. Bring efficiency in the processes:

Have you ever kept your students waiting for a long time to view their results or to get information about the exam schedule? You will surely overhear the discussions due to poor management during these processes from students. But, what to do?

As school processes engage much personnel and the availability of them is not the same. This can affect the end-user that is students most. The small delays can cause significant loss. So, to save resources in terms of money, manpower, time, Vidyalaya’s student portal will serve as the best option. From the admin’s perspective, saving resources will be a big thing that is achieved through this single-time investment. This will also facilitate the staff to have reduced workload and bring more efficiency in the entire school management process.

5. Effortless communication:

A communication bridge between the students and school management is important for both parties. Parent-teacher meetings, regular sessions are mediums for communicating. The close interaction will improve the relationship between the major stakeholders of the institute.

Vidyalaya’s student portal will rule out the other options with a single platform that is capable of features of integrated messaging, sending notifications, email sending, messaging. The platform will be a one-stop solution where students can get all the required information during their academic updates and the institute can share the information that it wants to reach maximum students within less time.

Bridging the gap between parent and school communication will have a significant impact on the institute’s brand. While you are facilitating access to parents, they can have an integral part feeling and can improve the relationship with the institute through student parent portal.

As life goes on, expectations increase what an educational institute is offering and how the user experience is delivered. Having long queues, chaos at the school office, ambiguity about exam schedule all these will hamper your institute’s brand very badly. As almost everyone is shifting to online business, Vidyalaya can become your technology partner to provide a high-end learning experience. Not only the academic but the non-academic activity will also have the new definition with the dedicated student portal and will cherish the bond between your institute and your students.

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Let's Read

Why Should You Choose Vidyalaya School ERP?

Vidyalaya is a centralized platform with all the necessary tools for measuring, accessing, connecting, and coordinating learning processes. Vidyalaya is capable of handling every aspect of operating a school or college, including managing daily operational duties and fostering communication.

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